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Faith Definition and How To Work With It

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Faith Definition and How To Work With ItWhat is applied faith anyway, and why is it essential that you understand this principle and take action to use it from here on out? Before I get to that, In no way do I use the term “FAITH” here to point to anything religious or dogmatic in meaning.

Many have misused this word to mean blind faith in some creed or ordnance.

I want to be crystal clear from the start that to apply this principle, you do not need to believe in any creed or code to use it in your life. Look at the picture to your right and let go of your past understanding of the word.

All that is required is for you to switch you old views to get the power from this life changing principle.

 (Fear stops Faith , You have the power.) It’s the same with applied faith; you have the power to turn it on or off at anytime.

Napoleon Hill Definition Applied Faith

Napoleon Hill Definition Applied Faith

Look at how Napoleon Hill, a master teacher of the laws of success, defined applied faith.Faith is a state of mind through which your Aims, Desires, Plans, and Purposes may be translated into their physical or financial equivalent.

Applied faith means ACTION – specifically, the habit of applying your faith under any circumstances. Faith in your God, .yourself.your fellow man ..and the unlimited opportunities available to you.

The two enemies of the faith are fear and doubt; these two are hazardous and need to be overcome before any meaningful achievements can result in your life.

The tricky part of applied faith is that you may have to overcome the fear and doubt when you are in the midst of them. When you are ready to take a stand to overcome your fears and doubts, power is given.

The more action you take despite the feeling of your doubts and fears, the more energy you gain over them.

How Faith Works As A Magnet

“Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”/The Bible

No one has been able to figure out this principle yet; it has been called the laws of attraction and many other names. All I know is that it works; if you are willing to apply it in your life and put it to the test, you will not doubt it.
How Faith Works As A Magnet

I would love to sound smart and tell you I understand how this law operates in the human mind, but that would be too confusing and would not benefit you in any way.

I can only say that whatever the mind focuses on intensely, it will attract. It works positively or negatively. You couldn’t get away from this law if you tried. We are attracting the people, the things, and the events in our lives every minute and second of the day.

What you have just read has taken form in your mind, and you will seek other similar thoughts to link up with to make it a reality for you. If you don’t have any conflicting views in your mind, this law will work 100% of the time.

Singleness of purpose is the element that forces the activation of this principle in your life. Any conflicting desires will cancel this law out.

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways / the bible

What Blocks Faith

Procrastination is a good indication that fear and doubt are ruling your life. Applied faith is the only known antidote to these enemies that steal many people’s dreams and hopes.

Don’t just read this blog post, but take it to heart. I’m given you the keys to success. Make sure you read the other success principles after you read this one.

Everybody and their momma want success in life, but not everybody will take the necessary actions to have it. It’s just a fact of life.

Although the success principles on this blog are free, most people will not take action on what they read. I don’t want that to be you! TAKE ACTION NOW ON WHAT YOU READ!

Steps To Use Applied Faith

Here are some action steps you can use to apply this principle.

1. Never put anything off -Do It Now!

2. Have a major definite purpose and read it every day.

3. Don’t run from your fears – Stand up and take bold action!

4. Keep your mind positive by being around people and doing positive things.

5. Never break a promise to yourself.

6. Learn to use your imagination to see what you want out of life.


How Do You Overcome Fear and build faith ?

1. Fear is faith in the wrong direction. Start changing negitive self talk by looking at things from the negitive

point of view to a positive point of view.

Isn’t faith for people who believe in this or that religion ?

2. The power of Faith is to powerful to fit inside a man made dogma , or religion. Even though

man made religions use this principle of faith.

Why don’t the power of faith work all the time ?

3. The principle of faith does work all of the time. There are a few things that delays , or make it flow in the opposite direction.

Conflicts in the subscious mind of what is being asked for is normally why it seem that it does not work all of the time.

How Can I Start to use this principle today , right now ?

Here are some action steps you can use to apply this principle.

1. Never put anything off -Do It Now!

2. Have a major definite purpose and read it every day.

3. Don’t run from your fears – Stand up and take bold action!

4. Keep your mind positive by being around people and doing positive things.

5. Never break a promise to yourself.

6. Learn to use your imagination to see what you want out of life.




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